Milk Experiment

Our Interesting Lessons

P.4 Colour Changing Milk Experiment 

P.4 students completed the ‘Colour Changing Milk Experiment’. The experiment connected students with real life experience, giving them a lot of opportunities to express ideas and opinions. The experiment also helped students to enhance their scientific thinking skills through predicting what would happen, observing what did happen and evaluating the results. Students loved doing the experiment and had great fun.

Milk Experiment

Students are listening to the instruction carefully. Students are discussing the predictions for the experiment. Prediction 1: We think just one drop of colour will disappear in the milk.
'Let the milk settle down first.' 'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' 'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.'
'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' 'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' 'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.'
'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' 'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' 'So excited, we're ready to do the experiment.'
Prediction 2: We think the colours will mix up with the milk. Step 4: Place the soapy bud in the middle. 'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.'
'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.' 'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.' 'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.'
'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.' 'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.' 'Wow, we did it. The colours are so beautiful.'
'Wow, we did it. The colours are so beautiful.' 'Wow, we did it. The colours are so beautiful.' Observation 3: We observed the soap brought out some new colours.
'This time, try with black food colouring.' 'This time, try with black food colouring.' Prediction 4: We think the black colour will  absorb all the colours when we touch it with soapy bud.
The next step is to dip the cotton buds in soap. 'Wow,more colours burst out.' 'Wow,more colours burst out.'
 'Wow,more colours burst out.' 'Yeah, we've a lot of fun.'  
慈雲山天主教小學 Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School
訪客人次: 25727391
地址: 黃大仙蒲崗村道172號
Address: 172 Po Kong Village Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
 Tel: 2327 3332
 Fax: 2327 6662
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