Students are listening to the instruction carefully. |
Students are discussing the predictions for the experiment. |
Prediction 1: We think just one drop of colour will disappear in the milk. |
'Let the milk settle down first.' |
'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' |
'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' |
'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' |
'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' |
'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' |
'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' |
'Carefully put a drop of the food colouring in the middle.' |
'So excited, we're ready to do the experiment.' |
Prediction 2: We think the colours will mix up with the milk. |
Step 4: Place the soapy bud in the middle. |
'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.' |
'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.' |
'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.' |
'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.' |
'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.' |
'Amazing, colours are bursting and dancing.' |
'Wow, we did it. The colours are so beautiful.' |
'Wow, we did it. The colours are so beautiful.' |
'Wow, we did it. The colours are so beautiful.' |
Observation 3: We observed the soap brought out some new colours. |
'This time, try with black food colouring.' |
'This time, try with black food colouring.' |
Prediction 4: We think the black colour will absorb all the colours when we touch it with soapy bud. |
The next step is to dip the cotton buds in soap. |
'Wow,more colours burst out.' |
'Wow,more colours burst out.' |
'Wow,more colours burst out.' |
'Yeah, we've a lot of fun.' |