English Drama Team_Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2023/24

2024-03-13 (星期三)
This year, the drama team put on an understanding performance of The Magic Paintbrush. All the participants worked incredibly hard to put on a show that everyone was proud of. And the audience loved it! The success of the drama has motivated the whole team to continue to improve their acting skills and everyone is looking forward to the next opportunity to showcase their drama skills to the public.
慈雲山天主教小學 Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School
訪客人次: 27,215,870
地址: 黃大仙蒲崗村道172號
Address: 172 Po Kong Village Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
 Tel: 2327 3332
 Fax: 2327 6662
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