A Field Trip to Airport (2016-2017)

Selected students from P.4 and P.5 had a wonderful experience at Hong Kong International Airport. They enjoyed a fabulous buffet lunch and then interviewed travellers and workers within the airport. This was followed by an opportunity to create personalised Cup Noodles, decorating the cup and selecting their own ingredients. The students had a terrific time and we were so proud of the way they used their incredible English skills when interviewing members of the public.

Airport Fieldtrip Passport

'Let the buffet begin.' Hungry? 'The pasta looks good.'
'Sushi, sushi and more sushi!' 'Yeah!' 'Dessert anyone?'
'A great meal.' 'May we ask you a few questions?' 'Enjoy your visit.'
'How many stars would you give Hong Kong International Airport?' 'How long will you be staying in Hong Kong?' Amazing interviews.
'Which places will you visit?' A great experience. A great way to practise English.
'Where are you from?' Another successful interview. 'We are from Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School…'
'Say ‘Cheese!’' 'Do you like Hong Kong?' 'Is this your first time to Hong Kong?'
'I am from France.' 'What do you like about Hong Kong International Airport?' Proud students posing after an interview.
'Where are you heading?' 'How long will you stay in Hong Kong?' 'An interview after a long trip.'
The students did so well. 'Why are you at the airport?' 'What is it like working in an airport?'
Terrific students. 'Happy to have finished another interview.' 'We answered all the questions.'
'Thank you for the interview.' 'What is it like working on a plane?' 'Will you visit Ocean Park?'
Create your own Cup Noodles. A blank canvas. Decorating the cups.
Beautiful designs. Colouring away. Cup noodle ingredients.
Adding the noodles. The finished product. Personalised cup noodles.

慈雲山天主教小學 Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School
訪客人次: 25722000
地址: 黃大仙蒲崗村道172號
Address: 172 Po Kong Village Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
 Tel: 2327 3332
 Fax: 2327 6662
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