P.6 Graduation Card Making

To celebrate the P.6 students graduating, we made special cards for each of the students to make and give to a fellow classmate. The students had a lot of fun making the cards and then writing a heartfelt message to wish their classmates good luck in the future. For an added surprise, the students did not know who their card would be given to until the end of the class.

An enjoyable activity. Gluing the hat. Graduates!
A terrific hat. Collecting the materials. Exchanging cards.
This card will be for... Stick the hat to the card. Sharing the cards.
The finished product. Thread the tassel. Lovely handwriting!
慈雲山天主教小學 Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School
訪客人次: 25723024
地址: 黃大仙蒲崗村道172號
Address: 172 Po Kong Village Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
 Tel: 2327 3332
 Fax: 2327 6662
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