English Fun Day 2019-2020

The English Fun Day was held on 12th December, 2019 when both senior and junior form students engaged in different English activities on the same day together. With the aim to build students’ interest and confidence in learning English, junior form students were invited to join booth games while senior form students joined the treasure hunt around the campus. Through these activities, students had the chance to interact with peers in English and practise the language items they have learnt. The followings are some of the memorable moments of the day. It was a great success because of students’ active involvement.

Primary 2 and 3 – Game Booths

All P.2 and P.3 students had an amazing time in the hall. There were thirteen booths and each of them featured fun elements to encourage students to practise what they have learnt in English lessons. The P.4 to P.5 helpers had the chance to practise their English skills and leadership skills when helping in the booths.

'Move the car to the right position.'

'Em, I need to practise reading aloud more.'

'I do not only need to practise my English, but also my chopstick skills.'

'You're correct! He is a firefighter.'

'My friend found this pair of ladies' pants. Ha! Ha!'

'The tongue twister is challenging.'

'I know how to read all the words!'

'Do you need my help?'

'Listen carefully! Miss Kosar is telling you how to tell the time.'

'Yeah! We have won in every game booth.'



Primary 4 to 6 – Treasure Hunt

This year, the venue of holding the treasure hunt has been expanded to be outside the school. The theme was about animals. The difficulties of finding the clue cards and competing against other teams have increased. At the same time, students' enjoyment also increased with more challenging questions and bigger prizes. It was a wonderful afternoon full of laughter, frustrations, fun and wonderful memories.

'Who hid the clue card here? I have to sit down to write the answers.'

'Don't tell others. Let me write down the answers.'

'Let's work together to complete the task.'

'We found the answer on the 'net'!'

慈雲山天主教小學 Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School
訪客人次: 18126075
地址: 黃大仙蒲崗村道172號
Address: 172 Po Kong Village Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
 Tel: 2327 3332
 Fax: 2327 6662
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